www.fastsupport.com Download : How do I use FastSupport?

This guide is intended to aid technicians using Remote Support to set up Single Customer Attended Application. Technicians can distribute the app to all computers from where users join sessions frequently

1. Download the .exe file


You can get the executable from www.fastsupport.com/attended-app

2. Optional command line parameters

All parameters have to be enclosed in double quotes.

To start the application with a given Session ID:

“G2A-RS Customer Attended App.exe” “/MeetingID 805008953”

To start the application in service mode (admin rights needed):

“G2A-RS Customer Attended App.exe” “/StartAsService YES”

“G2A-RS Customer Attended App.exe” “/StartAsService NO”

To change the language of the UI append:

“G2A-RS Customer Attended App.exe” “/Language EN”

“/Language EN”
“/Language DE”
“/Language ES”
“/Language IT“
“/Language FR“
“/Language PT”

If language parameter is not provided the default language of users operating system will be used.

If the operating language is not supported by G2A it will fallback to “/Language EN”.

3. Example command lines

Starting from a network share:

“\\myshare\mysubfolder\G2A-RS Customer Attended App.exe” “/StartAsService NO” “/Language EN”

Starting the pre deployed program from the desktop of a windows computer:

“G2A-RS Customer Attended App.exe” “/StartAsService YES” “/Language EN”

If user does not have admin permissions “/StartAsService YES” will start with lower permissions.

Join a Support Session

While on your Windows desktop, you can join a support session using the Support URL or Support Key provided by your agent in various ways. However, your experience joining the support session will depend on whether the GoToAssist Opener “helper” application has been installed previously.

What to expect when joining a support session

  • If it’s your first time joining a session, you will be prompted to download the GoToAssist Opener “helper” application. Once installed, the GoToAssist Customer application will launch, and you will be joined with the agent in a support session.
  • If you’ve joined a session before and have previously installed the GoToAssist Opener “helper” application, the GoToAssist Customer application will launch you directly into a support session with the agent.

Ways to join from your desktop

Support Key

    1. Go to www.fastsupport.com.
    2. Enter your name and Support Key.
    3. Click Continue to download and run the “helper” application, or be launched immediately into session.


    1. Click the Support URL in the email invitation.
    2. When your web browser opens, you will either be prompted to download and run the “helper” application, or be launched immediately into session.

GoToAssist Customer standalone app for Windows

  • The GoToAssist Customer standalone app for Windows is a single executable (.exe) file that you can download and use to easily join support sessions.
    1. Go to www.fastsupport.com/download/attended-app.
    2. Click Download.
    3. Click Save File.
    4. Click on the downloaded file, then click Run to open it.
    5. Enter your name and Support Key, then click OK to launch the GoToAssist Customer app and join the support session.

Note: To easily access the GoToAssist Customer Attended app from your desktop, locate the “G2A-RS Customer Attended App” in your “Downloads” folder, right-click on the file, then click Create shortcut.

Share your screen

Once you have joined a support session, you are prompted to share your screen with the agent and allow them to remotely control your keyboard and mouse. You can click Stop Screen Sharing on the GoToAssist Customer toolbar to stop screen sharing and remote control at any time.

Note: When an agent’s account is enabled for session recording, an additional message, “This session will be recorded” is displayed when you are prompted to join the support session.