Login Account : How do I create a new account?

Views: 117 Login Account : How do I create a new account?

Booster fundraisers combine the excitement of big events with the value of life lessons to raise vital funds for your school. Over 6,400 schools have trusted Booster to help them profit more than $400 million in the last 20 years. We’ve got big dreams for YOU too!


A typical Booster program lasts up to seven days and consists of four main parts: KickoffDaily AnnouncementsEvent Day, and Collection. Plus you receive valuable pre- and post-fundraiser resources and support to help your fundraiser be successful.

With a Kickoff event, your program starts strong by rallying students to gather donations and work together!

Event Day is the awesome grand finale to your fundraiser. Choose a Fun Run, Color Run, Glow Run, or Dance Fit. Students will run up to 35 laps or complete 35 minutes of dance and fitness.

Every student gets to experience Booster’s best-in-class character program and big Event Day celebration, regardless of their ability to financially participate.

How do I create a new account?

It’s easy!:

  1. Click Sign Up
  2. Enter your profile details
  3. Click I’m a Parent
  4. Search for your child’s school
  5. Enter their profile details and submit (Be sure to upload their photo to create a video with them as the star!)

Already have an account with us? Login first and then continue at step #3 above.

How do I login?

Welcome! Easily log in by clicking Login and entering the e-mail address and password you created when signing up. If you have not signed up for an account yet, click the Sign Up button.

If you can’t remember your password, choose Forgot Password?, enter your email address, and we’ll send you instructions on how to create a new password.

  1. Click Login and enter your email address and password (Choose Forgot Password? if you can’t remember your login)
  2. Choose I’m a Parent
  3. Search for your child’s school
  4. Enter their profile details and submit (Be sure to upload their photo to create a video with them as the star!)